
عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف online stock trading

online stock trading

online stock trading  is a type of investment strategy , it is a model where trader can make his trades directly into his brokers system, buy and sell for himself, it also is a traditional model of stock brokers, further more it help trader to take a decision about what to buy or sell and when to buy or sell, Online stock trading may save trader's money and help him to build wealth, in the past times, the trader must call a broker to trade stock, also online stock trading require some of manual labor and paperwork , also need much time to execute this trade, but in the present time, the widespread use of electronic trading platforms has reduced cost and execute this trade easily and quickly, also allow discount brokers to provide better services at low price. online stock in online stock trading, trader will walk through several processes such as choosing a discount broker, selecting his individual stocks, knowing uncovering hidden fees, expenses, commission or other, when t...